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Data Selection Services

Quality data for direct marketing is the heart of B2B lead generation. Without up-to-date, good-quality, well-segmented data there can be no successful lead generation and customer acquisition activity. But building and maintaining such a database is not an easy task. That’s why since 2008 we’ve made data the foundation of the plans we create and implement for our internal use the same for our clients.

As an independent agency, we work with multiple suppliers to source the best possible selections for our campaign and all of these have been closely vetted to ensure only the most reputable partners are selected.

Enriching Business and Consumers Data Assets

Advertis supports data driven marketers with a comprehensive access to database enrichment and appending sources in the world. With access to more than 10,000 sources in over 100 countries around the world, very few companies can offer marketers quality and accuracy that Advertis can. We have delivered dozens of database enhancement data projects in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia, the Middle East and North America. With high expertise in data projects, our team of experts deliver exceptional results for any language, any country and any marketing need, for both Consumer and B2B projects.

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Validation services

Marketers cannot afford to get it wrong when it comes to data quality. That’s why smart global marketers use Advertis B2B data validation services. Offering a full range of data validation tools, clients can breathe easier when using data validation services provided by Advertis.

International Data Pooling

To support its global clients, Advertis offers his network of comprehensive range of data acquisition services in over in 100 countries. With 10 years of experience in global data sourcing Advertis has cultivated strong relationships with high quality data sources throughout Asia, Australia, India, Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

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